5 safety Tips for car towing

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Written by:  Towing Newport News VA

Towing can be a little bit intimidating, particularly to inexperienced first-time drivers. For safe and accident-free towing, drivers must learn and be aware of the various safety practices in car towing. Cases of damaged cars while being dragged are rampant and the liability can either be for the towing company or the car owner. This can affect insurance coverage, rates and other legal. Cars with automatic transmission are the worst hit. To avoid damages and other potential hazards, below are the 5 safety tips for car towing.

1. Stay Within Your Limits

Each RV has its gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). This is the weight set by your RV automaker. It takes into account the base curb weight of your RV vehicle and the weight of the cargo you are towing. If you overload your RV beyond the recommended GVWR, it becomes too heavy, and the brakes might fail. The suspension components can also break, become ineffective and even generate heat and blow out. In case of an overload, you should make adjustments on time where necessary.

2. Pack your trailer properly

An improperly packed trailer can sway and pose serious hazards. To reduce the chances of swaying it is advisable to keep heavy items at the bottom of the trailer so that it doesn’t compromise the balance. Such items should be appropriately fastened in place to prevent them from falling off. All the heavy items should be packed towards the front of the trailer. Before moving, ensure to double-check your load to ensure that it hasn’t moved from its original spot. When fastening safety chains, try to use an �X’ manner. It should allow for an adequate turning radius.

3. Inspect your lights

It makes no sense to observe all the safe loading practices and forget one necessary thing—the lights of your trailer. Check and re-check to ensure that all the lights are working efficiently before you can connect your tow dolly. An easy way of ensuring that all lights are in tip-top condition is to turn on the hazard lights then check rather than going forth and back. Check all the lights including turn lights, brake lights and tail lights.

4. Adjust those mirrors

Both side and rear mirrors serve a critical role when it comes to towing safety. Although some can do without mirrors, it is illegal to haul without these little accessories. Rear view cameras are often blocked by trailers which might render them irrelevant. The longer trailer wheelbase creates many blind spots. The law requires everyone to have adjustable mirrors that can allow you to have a clear view of up to 4 meters from your load. Adjust your mirrors and if you don’t have enough towing mirrors consider acquiring some to help improve your visibility. Side view mirrors allow you to see approaching vehicles and camper tires. It means you can make safe turns when necessary.

5. Check your breaks

Accidents happen due to faulty brake systems. Don’t be sorry, check your braking system in advance before every trip. That tow dolly requires brakes. Most states require all tow dollies loaded above 3000 GVWR mark to be equipped with brakes. Disc brakes are considered greater than drum brakes. This is because they remain cool and are long-lasting. Disc brakes are also water resistant thus making them safe to use in wet conditions. Brakes should be cool and dry.


Safety is a priority for anyone seeking to tow a car. It is good to stay within your limit, check brakes, adjust mirrors, inspect lights, and pack your trailer correctly. Be on the safe side always whenever you think about car towing.


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